Thursday, November 17, 2011


2 for 1 tonight folks, aren't you lucky! This one is a recurring goal, which is to keep in touch with/visit Joe and Jannell who are our dear friends (do only grandmas say 'dear'?)...who are our awesome friends that moved to Louisville. Brian, Storm, Turkey, and I went to see them over halloween weekend, and it was a blasty blast. We wore our Waldo costumes to a Mighty Kindness festival, did some serious geocaching, ate a burrito as big as your head, ran the dogs around the park, and devoured some otherworldly icecream and Cuban tapas. The trip, though fast, was simply delightful!

Where is Waldo?!?

Gosh, there he is!

Still don't totally know what this fest was all about, but it was undeniably mighty and kind.

Did you know that Jannell plays the fiddle? She's freaking awesome at it. 
Here's one of her solos with her band Keltricity (rad, right?) at the fest:

We even dressed up the dogs in Louisville.
I didn't get a picture there, but here they are in Jackson.

See, I wouldn't lie to you

and this one just plain cracks me up. :]

golf with dad

oh man, it's almost been a month since I've posted anything! sorry to all of my (three) loyal readers. :]  I have quite a few goals to catch up on that I've accomplished here recently, but first we go back to Arizona...

So, my dad has been taking a little early retirement. He seems to be loving it, and one of the biggest benefits is the time for golf. I knew he liked to play, but I didn't realize how much I guess...he's been playing nonstop!  It's very cool to see him so into it. I also have caught a bit of the golf bug here recently (heck, I was even on the winning team of Hunter's scramble this year, check me out. ;), sooo I thought it would be fun for he and I to play a round together. (#82)

And play we did! We went to Mountain Shadows mainly because it was practically the only course in the whole valley that was open. (Everyone and their mother was seeding the grass.) It's a super short course, but we still had fun. By "we" I mean Dad and I of course, but also Mom and Steve (Lexi's bf) came along. There was some good boys vs girls smack talk going on, but the boys def came out on top. Here are the pics!...

Stevie and Camelback

Get it Gurrrl. She got a golf ball stuck in a palm tree; that takes skill.

Ahhhh, to be in shorts right now! It's freaking 43 degrees here!

the winners

While taking this picture, Dad shouted, "It's a hole-in-one!"  I had to look; what a sucker. :]