Thursday, March 24, 2011

trottin' with turkey

One of my ongoing goals is to run with Turkey at least once a week (#12). We've stuck to it so far, and have been enjoying it now that it's warm out. (It will be more of a challenge when winter comes back around, but luckily that's a long way off.) Normally, we just run around the block, but last weekend we went out to Shelby Farms Park. I just recently figured out where the dog park is there, and let me tell you, it is a freaking dog park wonderland! Picture a vast expanse of verdant rolling hills, wild flowers, glistening lakes, winding paths, budding trees...ok, it's a human wonderland too.

Technically, this outing was just a walk, well, I walked and Turkey sprinted, but I thought this video could represent our runs anyway. (We did run a different time earlier in the week.) Check out his first experience with a lake...

turkey pouncing in the lake from nicole moody on Vimeo.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

geocaching in denver

This past weekend Brian and I had the privilege of visiting Gracious Tory in Denver. We got to eat a ton of delicious treats, shop, see the art museum, bake & eat cookies, go to parks, see my cousins, eat, go snow tubing, did I mention eat?! It was fabulous. I had never geocached in Colorado, so I got to check off 1 out of the 5 new places I want to cache for #16. It was a solid weekend; we found 6 caches in total. Even though it was really cold out, the last cache was probably the most memorable because I had never seen so much treasure in a cache before! Some serious loot! However, the real treasure was time spent with noToryous and ucan'tcacheme. :] You can see below that they feel the same...

someone's excited

Friday, March 4, 2011

humidity = smarter brain?

#34! I just finished up a Words with Friends (Scrabble) game against Chaz. Being the competitive spirits that we are, we smack-talked back and forth. Upon receiving a humidifier from me during the game, Chaz told me that "the extra humid air was helping his brain" to get high scores. Chazzy, if that were true, we would have put that claim on the box...better luck next time! ;]

The humidifier I sent happens to be a design I worked on, so I thought I'd share a picture...