Sunday, May 15, 2011

another sunset already?

Yes, it's true, back to back sunset posts. I know it would be best to spread the beauty out a bit, but it just so happened that another great sunset opportunity presented itself last weekend.

Because it gained national news attention, I'm sure you've heard that the Mississippi river flooded here in Memphis. I'm told this is a once in a lifetime occurrence, so Brian and I took the dogs downtown to check it out.

Look at how freaking wide it is! Looks more like a lake.
Here's Riverside Tide, I mean Drive.
Also, Tom Lee Park, which would normally be just just beyond the fence, is completely gone.

He's getting so big, huh?! I can barely pick him up now that he's 70(?) pounds.
In this picture you can see how little clearance there is beneath the bridge from the water.
They stopped barge traffic for awhile.

A silhouette of the trolley lines that run over the end of Beale St.

Next, we went down to Mud Island to see the view from there. (I believe Mud Island got its name from a previous historic flood.) Brian is standing where there is typically a road, but they filled it in with gravel to prevent a spillover.

Ok, now we're finally to the actual sunset pics...

This was a pick-your-dog-up kind of evening

we heart our fur babies...

and lastly, my fave shot of the evening...


  1. Turkinator Taj Mahal is 70 POUNDS????? WOW!!! He's a beast! Lily will be so disappointed. ;)

  2. nice flood pics. i knew it would look super devastating... or peaceful?
