Saturday, August 4, 2012

geocaching event

If you didn't think it was official before, it certainly is now...I am a bonafide geocaching geek. This was confirmed last Wednesday evening when Brian and I went down to Waikiki for a geocachers "event cache" (Goal #96). It was deemed a Cookie Flash Mob. IowaBeaver hosted (you can't make this stuff up) and passed out Hawaiian cookies to everyone who attended. I was surprised at the turnout, probably about 25 folks showed up.

We met a few people...a couple visiting from Texas, a retired man who happened to live just a couple blocks away from me in Memphis, and (drum roll)... GeoGerms! This is the guy I was telling you about in my last geocache post. He was the first person to find the cache I hid and has found every single cache on the island! It was cute, he was definitely a little celebrity in this circle. He was telling me about how he started watching Breaking Bad after finding my cache, but before he could finish he got pulled away to meet some of his "fans." Haha. I love geocachers.

GeoGerms and his wife are in matching blue shirts, RutRut, the retiree from Memphis, is in the black socks, and IowaBeaver is the bald guy at the back left. :]

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I had left a comment on this. But I guess not. We're going to the Amazon, like way in there, and I thought about bringing a cache. I thought it would be a little more challenging for you. But thinking of and hiding a cache turned out to, in fact, be more challenging for me. Oh well!
