Thursday, October 3, 2013


So, when you think 'Hawaii,' you think Luau, right? Yeah, me too. So before moving here Brian and I registered on our Honeyfund for tickets to a Luau. The Southworth fam hooked us up, so after getting settled in after a few months of living here, we finally signed up for the Chief's Luau at Sea Life Park.

Overall, I'm glad we did it to have the experience, but if I'm being honest, it wasn't as great as I thought it would be. The entire evening was highly touristified. That wasn't a problem in and of itself, but when you're processing a hundred or two people through your system, the authenticity/quality drops dramatically. For instance, they did show us the traditional method of roasting the pig in the ground, but what we ending up actually eating was just cafeteria style food.

If any of you know me, you know I'm a food enthusiast. So this was probably the biggest let down because I was envisioning eating the best pork of my life, but instead all I got was this ghost butter cup. (That was just funny.)

Craft time before all the action started was a highlight. Brian and I made our own head pieces. :)

When the sun went down that's when things got really exciting. The show performances with traditional dances being demonstrated were quite interesting and they did a good job bringing a lot of humor to the show. For the grand finale, the fire dancers/twirlers were quite spectacular. Great evening overall, just be warned that if you ever want to attend one, it might not be as you were picturing.

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